Interval performance training for young squad and tournament players

Dear tennis friends,
Effective immediately, the PowerTheBall tennis academy, in cooperation with KD Tennis, is offering interval performance training for squad and tournament players once or twice a month. A squad pool of 15 players will be set up to ensure successful implementation.

Good to Know! - The sequence:
Approximately 15 training units are offered within 12 months. PowerTheBall and KD Tennis will announce the dates in good time. In order for an appointment to take place, at least 8 children must register. Training will begin after the summer holidays. In winter, the training will take place in the respective tennis halls (plus hall costs). We expressly ask the parents not to stay on the facility during the training so that the children can focus 100% on the training!

Mathias Messmer (PTB): +49 1789 314 277 |
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Tennnisakademie PowerTheBall Bodensee